Hitachi official docu:
Troubleshooting Export Tool for Performance Monitor
Device Manager - Storage Navigator Messages
- Run Export Tool manually to see if it works, follow this link
Make sure Export Tool installation directory and all subdirectories are owned by stor2rrd user
# chown -R stor2rrd /opt/hds
# chown -R lpar2rrd /opt/hds # do this on the Virtual Appliance where is all under "lpar2rrd" user
- New Export Tool might not communicate properly with the storage SVP due to used SSL:
Export tool command failed: "java -Djdk.tls.maxCertificateChainLength=20 -classpath "/opt/hds/90-09-24/lib/JSanExportLoader.jar:/opt/hds/90-09-24/lib/ccj-3.0.1.jar" -Del.tool.Xmx=536870912 -Dmd.command=/tmp/STGMPR-HPEXP8-1129-CC3226/STGMPR-HPEXP8-1129-CC3226-type-hus_vm.txt -Del.logpath=/tmp/STGMPR-HPEXP8-1129-CC3226/log -Dmd.rmitimeout=20 -Del.security=ignore -Del.secmode=cnsa sanproject.getexptool.RJElMainEx"
Loading ExportTool...
The SSL communication to the server cannot be established: host=, port=443.-
Verify that the following items are correct, and then retry the operation:
- The specified IP address or host name
- The root and server certificates
- The host name or the IP address of the connected server set for Subject Alternative Name and Common Name of the certificate
- The security mode of the connected server
- The TLS protocol of the connected server
- The cipher suites of the connected server
- The minimum key length (key exchange) of the connected server
- The signature hash algorithm of the connected server certificate
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Certificates do not conform to algorithm constraints
2024/09/17 10:39:13 ExportLoader fail.
2024/09/17 10:39:13 Delete temporary directory.
2024/09/17 10:39:13 delete ./lib/0AC92678
2024/09/17 10:39:13 done.
2024/09/17 10:39:13 ExportLoader finish. exitcode=101
A possible cause is that java is started with the parameter -Del.secmode=cnsa in the Export Tool script
Check /opt/hds/<microcode>/runUnix.sh or /opt/hds/microcode/runUnix.bat file and remove -Del.secmode=cnsa from the command
java -Djdk.tls.maxCertificateChainLength=20 -classpath "./lib/JSanExportLoader.jar:./lib/ccj-3.0.1.jar" -Del.tool.Xmx=536870912 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Del.logpath=log -Dmd.rmitimeout=20 -Del.security=ignore -Del.secmode=cnsa sanproject.getexptool.RJElMainEx
java -Djdk.tls.maxCertificateChainLength=20 -classpath "./lib/JSanExportLoader.jar:./lib/ccj-3.0.1.jar" -Del.tool.Xmx=536870912 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Del.logpath=log -Dmd.rmitimeout=20 -Del.security=ignore sanproject.getexptool.RJElMainEx
Since STOR2RRD version 7.97 is this workarounded automatically.
- VSPG 5500 requires Java 11, it prints this error on its start if there is older Java
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: (com/hitachi/sanproject/rmi/ssl/uty/SSLUtyCommunicationType) bad major version at offset=6
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:267)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:151)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:602)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$400(URLClassLoader.java:126)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$ClassFinder.run(URLClassLoader.java:1057)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(AccessController.java:414)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:494)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:651)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:349)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:617)
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.verifyImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.verify(J9VMInternals.java:70)
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(J9VMInternals.java:130)
at sanproject.getexptool.RJElMain.downloadFiles(RJElMain.java:346)
at sanproject.getexptool.RJElMain.startLoader(RJElMain.java:108)
at sanproject.getexptool.RJElMain.main(RJElMain.java:386)
- Test Export Tool 2
$ cd /opt/hds/<firmware level> # example /opt/hds/88-03-23
$ sh ./runUnix.sh show interval -ip <ip controller> -login <user> <password>
Interval : 5 min
show interval command success
There may be a permission problem (MSG ID = 8007).
A role error (permission error) occurred. (URL = HITPS://,
HTTP staus code = 403, details = Forbidden) [MSG ID = 8007] {"errorSource":"/ConfigurationManager/simple/vl1/objects/short-range—-monitor—settings/instance", "messageId": "KART7O007-E",
"message":"This operation is not permited. Either appropriate permissions are not assigned or the resource group configuration was modified by other management interfaces after user authentication.
Perform user authentication again. If this problem occurs repeatedly, verify and assign appropriate permissions."}
Execution stops.
Solution: The user must be assigned the Performance Management role (Storage Administrator(read/write)).
This is most comon error after testing stor2rrd connection to the storage:
$ ./bin/config_check.sh <Storage Name>
TCP connection to "<SVP IP>" on port "1099" is ok
TCP connection to "<SVP IP>" on port "51099" is ok
TCP connection to "<SVP IP>" on port "51100" is ok
WARNING : TCP connection to "" on port "5110" has failed! It might need to be open on the firewall.
Loading ExportTool...
Missing ip
2019/01/02 15:46:48 start Export Loader Version : 88-00-00
2019/01/02 15:46:48 command file path=/opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
2019/01/02 15:46:48 log file path =/opt/hds/88-03-02/log
2019/01/02 15:46:48 log file name =loader0102154648.log
2019/01/02 15:46:48 ExportLoader mode=ALL
2019/01/02 15:46:48 download port =51099
2019/01/02 15:46:48 read target address from command file.
2019/01/02 15:46:48 Missing ip
2019/01/02 15:46:48 ExportLoader fail.
2019/01/02 15:46:48 ExportLoader finish. exitcode=101
Loading ExportTool...
Export tool start [Version 88-03-01-FF/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
[ 1] ip <SVP IP> ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
[ 2] dkcsn 415002 ; Specifies Serial Number of SVP
[ 3] login User = ["user"], Passwd = [****************]
Login failed [line = 3]
Execution stops.
Export tool end
The most comon reason why Export Tool does not work is different version of the storage firmware and Export Tool.
Export Tool version MUST be at least same as the storage firmware, it could be even higher as per our experience.
This could mean wrong user or password:
Login failed [line = 2]
Assure you have installed Java version 8. It might not work with Java 6 especiall when you this in error output:
[ 3] login User = ["user"], Passwd = [****************]
Java version:
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_131"
Assure that /opt/hds and all objects inside are owned by stor2rrd user (lpar2rrd on the virtual appliance)