AIX with yum
Document describes installation of STOR2RRD server prerequisites on AIX where is yum available.
- Install Apache and RRDTool:
yum install httpd rrdtool rrdtool-perl
yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils net-snmp-perl
Do not use rrdtool-1.7.0-4, it has a bug, use older or newer RRDTool versions.
- Configure Apache:
vi /opt/freeware/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Enable CGI (it is hashed by default):
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
LoadModule cgi_module /opt/freeware/lib/httpd/modules/
Place there STOR2RRD cfg (it supposes that install home will be in /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd):
AddHandler cgi-script .sh
Alias /stor2rrd "/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/www/"
<Directory "/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/www/">
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Require all granted
ScriptAlias /stor2rrd-cgi/ "/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/stor2rrd-cgi/"
<Directory "/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/stor2rrd-cgi">
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
Options +ExecCGI +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Require all granted
SetHandler cgi-script
Apache restart:
/opt/freeware/sbin/apachectl restart
- Create STOR2RRD user under root:
useradd -c "STOR2RRD user" -m stor2rrd
chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=2000
chuser nofiles=32768 data=-1 stack=-1 rss=-1 stor2rrd
chuser data=-1 stack=-1 rss=-1 apache
- Install STOR2RRD server:
# su - stor2rrd
tar xvf stor2rrd-7.XX.tar
cd stor2rrd-7.XX
You do not need to install modules like perl-XML etc, all necessary is already in perl.rte fileset, just this is needed:
# rpm -qa| grep perl
perl-DBD-Pg-3.7-4.ppc --> needed for XorMon only
perl-DBD-SQLite-1.62-0.ppc --> needed for XorMon only
net-snmp-perl-5.8-2.ppc --> for SNMP Trap alerting, SAN/LAN and some storage devices
perl-5.32-IO-Tty-1.12-2.ppc --> for some storage devices only, check storage type docu
Make sure all Perl modules are in place
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
. etc/stor2rrd.cfg; $PERL bin/
If any problem then adjust following variables in etc/stor2rrd.cfg
Especially PERL must be set to /usr/bin/perl
If it cannot find then search it and place its path at the end of PERL5LIB
# find /opt -name 2>/dev/null
# file /opt/freeware/bin/rrdtool
/opt/freeware/bin/rrdtool: 64-bit XCOFF executable or object module
# file /opt/freeware/bin/rrdtool_32
/opt/freeware/bin/rrdtool_32: executable (RISC System/6000) or object module
This is how should look like some parameters in etc/stor2rrd.cfg, adjust PERL5LIB if is in different location
- 32bit (it must be used when you migrated from older RRDTool 1.4x):
- 64bit:
Adjust above PERL5LIB path based on which Perl you have in /opt/freeware/bin/perl, above example works for "5.34" and "5.38", you see it in the paths:
# /opt/freeware/bin/perl -v| head -2
This is perl 5, version 34, subversion 1 (v5.34.1) built for ppc-aix-thread-multi-64all
Make sure that it is correct, it should not produce any output
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
. etc/stor2rrd.cfg; $PERL bin/
Enable web authorisation
# su - stor2rrd
umask 022
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
cp -p html/.htaccess www
cp -p html/.htaccess stor2rrd-cgi
Go to Web UI, use admin/admin account, go to product configuration (settings icon), add HMCs, vCenters ...
http://<your server IP/hostname>/stor2rrd/
Upgrade from older
Perzl RPM distribution (Apache 2.4.18-1, rrdtool 1.4.8 usualy) follow
In some cases is necessary to set LIBPATH, do not do it unless you see such error during
Can't load '/usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.28.1/aix-thread-multi/auto/XML/Parser/Expat/' for module XML::Parser::Expat: Could not load module /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.28.1/aix-thread-multi/auto/XML/Parser/Expat/
In this case:
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
umask 022
echo "export LIBPATH=/opt/freeware/lib" >> etc/.magic
- RRDTOOL 1.7.2 problem (only 32bit one)
/opt/freeware/bin/rrdtool_32 -v
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program /opt/freeware/bin/rrdtool_32 because of the following errors:
0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /opt/freeware/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.a( because:
0509-136 Symbol __dbargs (number 185) is not exported from
dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/libpixman-1.a(
0509-136 Symbol __dbsubc (number 186) is not exported from
dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/libpixman-1.a(
0509-136 Symbol __dbsubg (number 187) is not exported from
dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/libpixman-1.a(
0509-136 Symbol __dbsubn (number 188) is not exported from
dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/libpixman-1.a(
0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the
'dump -Tv' command.
Fix it by removing "pixman" package, ignore dependencies
yum erase pixman