Upgrade: command line

  • Note: run the upgrade under the application user (mostly "stor2rrd", in case of Xorux Virtual appliance it is "lpar2rrd"), not under root

  • install a new version via update.sh script
    # su - stor2rrd 
    $ tar xvf stor2rrd-7.XX.tar
    $ cd stor2rrd-7.XX
    $ sh ./update.sh
    STOR2RRD upgrade under user : "stor2rrd"
    make sure you have rights to modify STOR2RRD home dir
    Where is STOR2RRD actually located [/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd]:
    Upgrade is done
  • Build a new UI
    $ cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
    $ ./load.sh | tee logs/load.out-initial
  • Once it finishes go to the UI, reload it by Ctrl-F5

  • If there is a problem with loading of the UI then try to use following to avoid browser caching issues.
    • use other WEB browser
    • close/open the WEB browser

Virtual Appliance upgrade

Docker upgrade: command line

You can naturaly upgrade by standard container redeploy what is more convenient.
This is methond is intended for upgrade to the Enterprise edition or to a version which is not available in Docker repository
  • Copy the the package into Docker container:
    docker cp stor2rrd-7.51-XY.tar STOR2RRD:/tmp
  • Go to the contaiener:
    docker exec -ti STOR2RRD bash
  • Upgrade as per above "Upgrade : command line"