How to rename storage alias

Under stor2rrd account
  1. Stop the storage agent
    • Comment out an crontab entry for storage type in crontab (just one line)
    • kill all running processes for that storage
      $ ps -ef| grep old_storage_alias
      $ kill ....
  2. UI ➡ settings icon ➡ Storage ➡ clone storage and set new name on the clone; then remove original entry

  3. Rename data directory
    $ cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
    $ mv data/<old_storage_alias> data/<new_storage_alias>
    $ mv www/<old_storage_alias>  www/<new_storage_alias>
    $ mv tmp/<old_storage_alias>  tmp/<new_storage_alias>
    $ rm -f  tmp/*cmd tmp/health_status_summary/<old_storage_alias>* tmp/mirror-status/<old_storage_alias>*
  4. Re-enable crontab for that storage type

  5. Make new UI
    $ ./ html
  6. Ctrl-F5 in the UI