Data retention

STOR2RRD uses for data keeping product RRDTool (round-robin database tool). Data is stored in a round-robin database (circular buffer) A round-robin archive stores a fixed number of raw data. After that data being averaged.

Retention of data is configured in STOR2RRD:
Time intervalRetention
5 minutes (all data) 3 months
1 hour averages 6 months
5 hours averages 1 year
1 day averages 3 years

This means that you have all data (5 minutes samples) available 90 days back for historical reporting, then 1 hour averages are available 6 months back etc ...

Basically retentions of all objects can be whenever changed by commands of RRDTool product. This can be also easily scripted.
There are two dependencies which need to be taken into consideration before changing it:
  • Space consideration (each object like pool, rank, volume consumes 3.7MB)
  • When it is changed to some custom setup then is necessary change also STOR2RRD defaults for creating of new objects (pools/lpars)

Note: STOR2RRD PREMIUM support covers changing retention to whatever what the customer prefers.